People - Alumni
Visiting Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, Oberlin University
Director, Gobelins Paris
Department of Humanities, Springfield College
Dean of Language, Literature, and Communication at Lane Community College
Language Lecturer, New York University Shanghai
Assistant Professor of Digital and Cultural Rhetorics, Dept. of English, Humboldt State University
Adjunct Professor, Department of English, Northwest University
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Department of Media and Communication (Media Aesthetics), University of Oslo
Assistant Professor and Foreign Languages Coordinator, Florida Gulf Coast University
Assistant Professor of Arabic, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, George Mason University, Virginia
Assistant Professor, Sinophone Cinema and Media Studies
Assistant Professor, Chinese -
Graduate Student
Postdoctoral fellow of Asian cinema and media, Idaho Asia Institute, University of Idaho
Assistant professor & PI of ERC project, KU Leuven
IDEA Fellow in Latinx and indigenous Diaspora Studies, Dept of Hispanic Languages and Literature, Stony Brook University
Comparative Literature Instructor, UW, Seattle in Paris
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Department of English, Arizona State University, 2015-2018
Academy Professor of English, West Point
Assistant Professor in the Philosophy of Technology in the School of Arts, Media + Engineering, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, Arizona State University
Visiting Assistant Professor of German, St. Olaf College
Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU Shanghai
Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Hamilton College
Assistant Professor, Lehigh University