Programs & Courses

From our smartphones to the movie theater, human experiences across the globe today are shaped by the media we view and create. Visual media are entwined with culture, art, politics, and entertainment. Understanding these relationships is at the core of Cinema & Media Studies. 

Our department offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Cinema & Media Studies and is the home to the Comparative Literature major for undergraduates. These students and our department’s alumni actively engage with contemporary media as critical observers, analysts, researchers, and industry experts. They communicate their findings clearly and persuasively. They interpret and utilize the tools of visual communication to affect and influence the world.

Our department offers the following Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees/Certificates:

You can also explore our Course Offerings.

Program Contacts

Graduate Studies

James Tweedie, Director of Graduate Studies
Yuko Mera, Graduate Program Advisor (GPA)
Cinema and Media Studies Certificate Program 

Undergraduate Studies

Humanities Academic Services Center, Undergraduate Advising
*Please send change of major forms directly to Nancy Sisko
Faculty Mentor: Stephen Groening, Director of Undergraduate Studies

