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Warren Etheredge is a successful producer, author, playwright, festival programmer, and public speaker. He has conducted over 3,500 interviews. As a producer, his previous credits include PERSONHOOD (d. Jo Ardinger), FUREVER (d. Amy Finkel), HAPA (d. Abby Alishio), LAST REQUESTS (d. Courtenay Johnson), THE LOST MARINER (d. Tess Martin), EVEN THE WALLS (d. Saman Maydani & Sarah Kuck), LOVE BIRDS (d. Ashley Mosher), THE RAIN PONCHO (d. Andrea Rosen), EVERY BEAUTIFUL THING (d. Sonya Lea) and the webseries, THE ENCHANTED KITCHEN w/Sasha Graham. [Sharp-eyed readers will note Warren now only produces works created by women, with an exception made for Geoff Marslett’s THE PHANTOM 52 that premiered at Sundance in 2019.] He teaches screenwriting and filmmaking at the University of Washington and Cornish College for the Arts. He is one of the founding faculty of The Film School and The Red Badge Project (http://theredbadgeproject.org/), helping combat veterans work through PTSD and other issues by teaching them the art of storytelling. He has hosted multiple television series including The High Bar (thehighbar.tv), his Emmy-nominated television series devoted to “raising the bar,” Scene! & Heard for GreatMovieScenes. org, Reel NW (kcts9.org/reel-nw) on KCTS and ArtsLink. He served as the VP of Curation & Acquisitions for Tom Skerritt’s start-up, Triple Squirrels (formerly Heyou) Media and as the Chief Storytelling Officer for Enthrall Sports. He is the Co-founder and Curator for the Walla Walla Movie Crush (wallawallamoviecrush.com), shorts programmer for The Seattle Jewish Film Festival and Director of Film Programming for the Gesa Power House Theater (phtww.org). Additionally, Warren is the founder of The Warren Report (www.thewarrenreport.com).