
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Mal Ahern, "Climate Control, Modernism, and Mass Production," Discourse 45.1-2 (Fall 2023), 3-32. Publications, Articles
Mal Ahern, "The Machine that Makes Gossip: Andy Warhol's Screen Test of Marcel Duchamp," NECSUS #Rumors, Spring 2022 Publications, Essays
Mal Ahern, "Climate Control and Modernist Aesthetics," public recorded talk, New Views of Modernism Symposium, University of Calgary, February 2021 Publications, Film/Video
Mal Ahern, "Playing with Vision: The Panoramic Shot in Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's Riddles of the Sphinx," in On the Viewing Platform: Perspectives on the Panorama, ed. Katie Trumpener and Tim Barringer, Yale University Press 2020 Publications, Essays
Mal Ahern, "Cinema's Automatisms and Industrial Automation," diacritics 46:4 (2018), 6-35 Publications, Essays
James Tweedie, Moving Pictures, Still Lives (Oxford University Press, 2018) Publications, Books
Mal Ahern, "Trace: Six Grids and a Hypothesis," World Picture 11 (Summer 2016), Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Banality and Online Videos” Film Criticism 40.2 (June 2016), 8 pages Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Introduction: The Aesthetics of Online Videos” Film Criticism 40.2 (June 2016), 9 pages Publications, Essays
Mal Ahern, "Naked Criticism," The New Inquiry, March 2014. Publications, Essays, Reviews