
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
“Visual Poetry and the Poetics of Data Visualization.” Journal of English Language and Literature 63.4 (2017): 659-74. Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Teaching Local Television History with Primary Sources” Teaching Media Quarterly 4.3 (June 2017), 3 pages Publications, Essays
Milan Vidaković. "Irony Called into Question: Don Quixote's Alazon and Eiron." Papers on Language & Literature 53.2 (Spring 2017): 166-90. Publications, Essays
Mal Ahern, "Trace: Six Grids and a Hypothesis," World Picture 11 (Summer 2016), Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Banality and Online Videos” Film Criticism 40.2 (June 2016), 8 pages Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Introduction: The Aesthetics of Online Videos” Film Criticism 40.2 (June 2016), 9 pages Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “ ‘No One Likes to Be a Captive Audience’: Headphones and InFlight Cinema” Film History 28.3 (October 2016): 114-138 Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Crying While Flying: The Intimacy of Inflight Entertainment” écraNoSphère 1 (February 2014), 17 pages Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Towards a Meteorology of the Media” Transformations 25 (December 2014), 9 pages Publications, Essays
William Arighi. "Empire and the Geography of Literary Time in the Spanish Philippines." Special Issue: "Cartographies of Dissent." English Language Notes 52.2 (Fall/Winter 2014) Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “ ‘An Ugly Phrase for an Unprecedented Condition’: Mobile Privatization and Portable Media” KeyWords: A Journal of Cultural Materialism 11 (2013): 58-74 Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Aerial Screens” History and Technology 29.3 (December 2013): 281-303 Publications, Essays
Archives and Origins: the Material and Vernacular Cultures of Photography in India, Trans Asia Photography Review, vol. 4, no. 1, Fall 2013. Publications, Essays
"Filling the Gap in Piers Plowman A: Trinity College, Dublin, MS 213.” In Stephen Shepherd and Michael Calabrese, ed. Yee? Baw for Bokes: Essays on Medieval Manuscripts and Poetics in Honor of Hoyt N. Duggan. Los Angeles: Marymount Inst. Press, 2013. 87-106. Publications, Essays
“Where Is Wille Buried? Piers Plowman A 12.105.” The Yearbook of Langland Studies 26 (2012): 131-36. Publications, Essays
James Clauss. "The Argonautic Anabasis: Myth and Hellenic Identity in Apollonius' Argonautica." Mythe et pouvoir a' l'e'poque helle'nistique. Peeters: 2012. 417-437. Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “‘We Can See Ourselves as Others See Us:’ Women Workers and Western Union’s Training Films in the 1920s” in Useful Cinema, edited by Charles Acland and Haidee Wasson, Duke University Press, 2011, pp. 34-58. Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Automobile TV, the Post-Nuclear Family, and SpongeBob SquarePants” Visual Studies 26 (June 2011): 148-153 Publications, Essays
Francisco Benitez. "Transnational Questing Desire in Star Cinema's Kailangan kita and Milan." Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 19.2 (2011): 257-280. Publications, Essays
Mahadevan, Sudhir. “Traveling Showmen, Makeshift Cinemas.” BioScope South Asian Screen Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2010, pp. 27–47. Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “From ‘A Box in the Theater of the World’ to ‘The World as Your Living Room’: Cellular Phones, Television, and Mobile Privatization” New Media and Society 12.8 (December 2010): 1331-1347 Publications, Essays
Francisco Benitez. "Filming Philippine modernity during the Cold War : the case of Lamberto Avellana." Cultures at war: The Cold War and cultural expression in Southeast Asia. Ithaca, N.Y: Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2010. Publications, Essays
Gary Handwerk. “‘Awakening the Mind’: William Godwin’s Enquirer.” The Godwinian Moment: Revolutionary Revisions of Enlightenment. 2010. Publications, Essays
Stephen Groening, “Cynicism and Other Postideological Half Measures in South Park” in Taking South Park Seriously, edited by Jeffrey Weinstock, State University of New York Press, 2008, pp. 113-129. Publications, Essays
Francisco Benitez. "Ang Mga Pinagdaanang Buhay ng Ibong Adarna: Narrativity and Ideology in the Adarna's Corrido and Filmic Versions." Kritika Kultura 10 (2008): 10-61. Publications, Essays