Courses - CMS Summer 2023
Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.
Summer 2023 A-term
CMS 240 A: Writing in Cinema and Media Studies
- MTWTh 9:10am - 11:20am / ART 003
SLN: 10769
Department Requirements Met:
- Composition and W-courses
GE Requirements Met:
- C
- W
A critical approach to film and/or media texts and a workshop on writing papers in English. Topics vary. Offered: AWSpS.
CMS 240 B: Writing in Cinema and Media Studies
- MTWTh 1:10pm - 3:20pm / THO 331
SLN: 10770
Department Requirements Met:
- Composition and W-courses
GE Requirements Met:
- C
- W
A critical approach to film and/or media texts and a workshop on writing papers in English. Topics vary. Offered: AWSpS.
CMS 397 A: Special Topics in Cinema and Media Studies
- TTh 12:00pm - 2:40pm / DEM 012
SLN: 10775
- Warren Etheredge
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- SSc
- A&H
Varying topics relating to film in social contexts. Offered by resident or visiting faculty.
Summer 2023 B-term
CMS 274 A: Perspectives on Media: Critical Concepts
- MTWTh 9:40am - 11:50am / DEM 004
SLN: 10771
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Provides an introduction to media studies, with particular attention to critical concepts including, but not limited to, audience studies, formal analysis, and ideological critique. Specific media analyzed varies. Course overlaps with: TCOM 247.
CMS 310 A: History of Film: 1895-1929
- MTWTh 12:00pm - 2:10pm / THO 101
SLN: 10773
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Film history from its beginnings in the 1890s through the golden era of silent film in the 1920s. Topics include the invention of major film techniques, the creation of Hollywood and the studios, and movements such as expressionism, constructivism, and surrealism.
Summer 2023 Full-term
CMS 295 A: Study Abroad
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10772
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Equivalency for 200-level CMS courses taken on UW Study Abroad programs or direct exchanges.
CMS 395 A: Study Abroad
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10774
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Equivalency for 300-level CMS courses taken on UW Study Abroad programs or direct exchanges.
CMS 490 A: Directed Study or Research
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10776
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Individual study of topics in cinema and media studies by arrangement with the instructor and the Comparative Literature, Cinema, and Media Department advising office.
CMS 491 A: Internship
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10777
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Supervised experience in local businesses and other agencies. Open to upper-division cinema and media studies majors with approval of departmental internship supervisor.
CMS 599 A: Special Seminar or Conference
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 14332
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Group seminars or individual conferences scheduled to meet special needs. Prerequisite: permission of graduate program adviser. Offered: jointly with C LIT 599.
CMS 600 A: Independent Study or Research
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 14333
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Offered: jointly with C LIT 600.
CMS 800 A: Doctoral Dissertation
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 14367
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Offered: jointly with C LIT 800.