
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Annie Fee. "Gender, Class and Cinephilia: Parisian Cinema Cultures, 1918-1925." Diss., 2015. Graduate, Dissertations
Andrea Schmidt."Screening the Museum Aesthetic: Auteurs in Transnational Heritage Film." Diss., 2016. Graduate, Dissertations
Andrea Opitz. "Turning toward the ghost: Nation, Erasure, and Post-1945 Counter Histories." Diss., 2007. Graduate, Dissertations
Andrea Baer. "The moods of postmodern metafiction: narrative and affective literary spaces and reader (dis)engagement."Diss., 2008. Graduate, Dissertations
Amy C. Lanning. "Strategies of Inwardness: Narrative Apprehension and the Modernist Quest for the Locus of Authenticity." Diss., 2013. Graduate, Dissertations
Amal Eqeiq. "\Writing the Indigenous: Contemporary Mayan Literature in Chiapas, Mexico and Palestinian Literature in Israell." Diss., 2013. Graduate, Dissertations
Alexander Schlutz." Mind's World. The Imagination and the Modern Subject." Diss., 2003. Graduate, Dissertations
Adam Nocek. "Animate Biology: Data, Visualization, and Life's Moving Image." Diss., 2015. Graduate, Dissertations
Laura Eshleman. "Pacific Crossings: Travel, Writing, and Literary Transition in the Sino-American Nineteenth Century." Diss., 2016. Graduate, Dissertations