How do we define the digital? How have digital screens become so abundant? Why do video games use control pads? Who owns the Internet, and how has it transformed media production? How have women and people of color contributed to the development of digital media?
Open to all, this course provides an introduction to key concepts in digital media. Class meetings will alternate between lectures and hands-on, in-class activities. Students will play with vintage computers, design their own video game controllers, and produce short animations. No previous production experience or knowledge of digital media is required. Class sessions will be recorded via Panopto. In-person attendance is highly encouraged: students who attend in person will have the benefit of more interaction and hands-on learning.
Assignments will include weekly exams and a creative project.
Summer Session A (June 20 - July 20), M-T-W-Th, 12:00 - 2:10 pm.