CMS 313 A: History of Film: 1989-Present

Spring 2023
TTh 8:30am - 10:20am / OUG 141
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Cinema Across Borders: World Cinema in the Age of Globalization

The course explores the cinematographic, industrial, and ideological conditions of film-making since 1990, with an emphasis on political and social issues (human rights, post-communism, mass migration, and more) as well as changes to the cinematic apparatus (film festivals, digitization).

The course comprises four modules. Each module starts with in-class discussion of 3-4 assigned films, followed by a group project. Week 10 is dedicated to a creative group project (altogether 5 projects).

This is a 300-level, core course in the film studies track. Students are expected to be familiar with basic terms in film analysis.

PLEASE READ the announcement on what to expect from this course. It spells out what is expected from students, including constant attendance, engagement with film history and formal analysis, and being able to watch and discuss films addressing difficult and sensitive issues.


instructor: Yomi Braester (yomi@uw)
TA: Diana Bucio (dbucio@uw)


Grading components:

8 Reading reports        14 points (7 × 2 points) 
                (lowest score dropped)

13 Viewing reports       24 points  (12 × 2 points) 
                (lowest score dropped)

13 In-class responses   12 points (12 x 1 points)
                (lowest scores dropped)

Group projects 1-4       50 (10 x 5)

Catalog Description:
Addresses the latest trends in international filmmaking typically with an emphasis on world cinema and issues of globalization and diaspora. Sometimes taught in conjunction with the Seattle International Film Festival.
Department Requirements Met:
Cinema & Media Studies Core
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 11, 2025 - 3:41 am