Courses - CMS Summer 2021
Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.
Summer 2021 A-term
CMS 240 A: Writing in Cinema and Media Studies
- MTWTh 9:10am - 11:20am / * *
SLN: 10824
Department Requirements Met:
- Composition and W-courses
GE Requirements Met:
- C
A critical approach to film and/or media texts and a workshop on writing papers in English. Topics vary. Offered: AWSpS.
CMS 297 A: Special Topics in Cinema and Media Studies
- MTWTh 1:10pm - 3:20pm / * *
SLN: 14488
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Varied topics related to film and/or media. Offered: AWSpS.
CMS 370 A: Basic Screenwriting
- MW 12:00pm - 2:10pm / * *
SLN: 10828
- Warren Etheredge
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Students develop collaborative critical and creative skills; studying screenwriting manuals and techniques; adapt stories for screenplays; and/or write synopses, treatments, and first acts of their own screenplays.
Summer 2021 Full-term
CMS 295 A: Study Abroad
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10827
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Equivalency for 200-level CMS courses taken on UW Study Abroad programs or direct exchanges.
CMS 395 A: Study Abroad
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10829
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
- A&H
Equivalency for 300-level CMS courses taken on UW Study Abroad programs or direct exchanges.
CMS 490 A: Directed Study or Research
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10830
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Individual study of topics in cinema and media studies by arrangement with the instructor and the Comparative Literature, Cinema, and Media Department advising office.
CMS 491 A: Internship
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 10831
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Supervised experience in local businesses and other agencies. Open to upper-division cinema and media studies majors with approval of departmental internship supervisor.
CMS 590 A: Master of Arts Essay
- to be arranged / * *
SLN: 14627
Department Requirements Met:
GE Requirements Met:
Research and writing project under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered: jointly with C LIT 590; AWSpS.